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UNSCRIPTED S3 Ep5 | Dino with Michael Miller

3 min read By November 19, 2023November 18th, 2024No Comments

“Prayer became more than an activity, it became our culture.”

Michael and Lorisa Miller started a prayer meeting in a small, upstairs office space overlooking downtown Dallas in April of 2010. From that “upper room” prayer meeting, God birthed a movement of prayer and worship in Dallas that continues to grow to this day, expanding into cities all over the world. Michael and Dino sit down to discuss their journey in what Michael affectionately calls “the most unconventional church plant we stumbled into.”

Their discussion includes: 

  • How defining “prayer” laid the foundation for relationship in their community
  • Ministering to the Lord as their first love while letting prayer serve as their best evangelism tool 
  • Miraculous salvation stories from people encountering the presence of God
  • “Gen Z for Jesus” and how they’re reaching the next generation in a raw, gritty way
  • Simplifying things as a leader and equipping people for the hour we’re living in
Michael also shares about the hunger in their community to experience the presence of God in a real way. Even though he was most comfortable in the suburbs because he understood the problems in “the burbs” and how to reach that community, he saw that prayer was the only strategy working in the downtown demographic, and God had called them there for that reason. 

“They’re hungry. Cultural Christianity is not going to sustain us. Checking a box is not going to sustain us.”

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