UNSCRIPTED S4 Ep 6 | Daniel & Tammie Floyd Blog Post
“Our level of success isn’t in our seating capacity, it’s in our sending capacity… addition isn’t the goal, multiplication is.” Pastors Daniel and Tammie Floyd...
Chaos and Catharsis: Dr. Steve Robinson’s Journey in Trauma-Informed Leadership Blog Post
STEVE ROBINSON never expected to hit the wall. When he did in 2010, it left him shell-shocked and reduced to a puddle of tears. He...
Serve Day 2024 Blog Post
Serve Day provides churches worldwide with opportunities to serve their local communities and share the love of God through practical acts of kindness. We invite...
UNSCRIPTED S4 Ep 4 | Brett Jones Blog Post
“I’m not overworked, I'm under-planned…Together, let’s see if we can do something that we don’t see a model for.” This is how Pastor Brett Jones...
Repurpose Your Pain: Don’t escape what God can reshape Blog Post
Pain is an essential and necessary element to you identifying and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. I know that statement doesn’t sound very encouraging,...
UNSCRIPTED S3 Ep7 | Dino with Toby Slough Blog Post
“I thought freedom was I would never have a panic attack - I would never be anxious. But through a lot of study, prayer, and...
UNSCRIPTED S3 Ep4 | Dino with Jeff Little Blog Post
“Some of the greatest developing leaders in our church are still young.” Milestone Church celebrated 20 years last fall. Pastor Jeff Little and Dino Rizzo...
UNSCRIPTED S3 Ep3 | Dino with Earl and Oneka McClellan Blog Post
“We started with honor and believe we’ve seen so much favor because of that.” Earl and Oneka McClellan are the founders and lead pastors of...