Gina Isaziga Blog Post
GinaIsazigaPastor, Luminous City ChurchSan Diego, CA Describe yourself in three words. Encourager Resilient Dancer How do you handle criticism? If I receive negative criticism, it...
Rock Church 20th Anniversary Blog Post
Rock Church has been bringing hope and restoration to San Diego, CA, and beyond since 2000. The mission to save, equip, and send has been...
Human Trafficking Is Happening Blog Post
There are millions of children, women, and men affected by modern-day slavery. Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world. During the past...
Leading Through a Crisis Blog Post
We are dealing with some crazy and difficult times right now in our world! Yet as believers, these are our greatest days. The world needs...
Church On Mission Blog Post
I’ve heard so much “doom and gloom” in 2020, but I can’t help but think that God is doing something extraordinary this year. My confidence...
Claudene Francis Blog Post
ClaudeneFrancisLead Pastor, The Life Church New YorkVahalla, NY Describe yourself in three words. Dedicated Fun Loyal What does success look like to you? For me,...Partners Page
Resource Partners At ARC, we believe in not doing ministry alone. We have some great ministry partners that we work together with. These are men...Leadership Page
MenuChurch PlantingLeadershipPeopleARC Updates Leadership The ARC Family is full of tremendous wisdom and resources to draw from. We aim to gather a wealth of great...