We are dealing with some crazy and difficult times right now in our world! Yet as believers, these are our greatest days. The world needs hope like never before, and we can be a part of the solution.
After about four months of holding virtual services, my church has enjoyed a few Sundays worshiping in our building. And it is amazing! In many ways it reminds me of when we first met 22 years ago in an elementary school cafeteria. I would describe it as a relaunching of our church, not merely a regathering. Every week we are seeing people decide to follow Jesus and many first-time guests taking their next steps!
These aren’t days when we should retreat or maintain status quo; these are days when we must advance. Jesus commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations,” and now is our time! Here are three keys I believe will help you as a leader to navigate through unchartered waters. These principles are helpful not only for pastors, but also for leaders in general.
Assess. If we are not careful, we will repeat what we were doing before this crisis began. It feels normal to simply regather and continue with what and how we were doing church previously. Instead, assess every aspect of your organization. Your vision is the only thing that does not change. Evaluate your strategy, processes, and activities, and look at everything with fresh eyes. Ask others to help you evaluate what you are doing, too. It’s worth the time!
Address. After you assess every area of your organization, address options for what needs to change. Gather your team and conduct some green-light thinking. Brainstorming with others will help with buy in and can generate some of your greatest solutions. Before you make changes, communicate with your team and give them time to prepare for necessary adjustments.
Progress. The third step is when you begin to take some action steps. Don’t worry about trying to do everything perfectly. The goal is progress, not perfection. Take some time to prioritize what is your most important focus area; begin there and then continue elsewhere. This may require you to walk in faith because you may be out of your comfort zone.
Finally, repeat these steps because we must continue to assess, address, and progress; we never arrive. The exciting part is that we get to keep learning and growing. Do not give up, and if you need help, ask for it. I believe some of the greatest ideas and most impact will occur during these days. Let’s go for it—people need hope!

Pastor Matt and Martha Fry founded C3 Church, located in Clayton, NC, with a desire to provide Real Hope for Real People in a Real World. Since the church started in 1998 they have seen thousands of people come to Christ. They have a passion to create life-giving environments and help people to know God, find freedom, discover their purpose and make a difference. Learn more at mattfry.com.