Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Aug 23 - 25 2022
- Time: All Day
ARC Launch Event – Carlsbad, CA
ARC Launch, a church planter training event, is the first step in the process of planting a church with ARC. It is here that you will hear from ARC pastors, coaches, and staff as they share the nuts and bolts of starting an ARC church.
Is this event for me? The ARC Launch training event is designed for planters who are anywhere from 6 months to two years out from their launch day. We think attending ARC Launch 12-18 months before your launch day is best, but we have successfully helped people launch with various timelines.
There are no prerequisites to attend this event. You can sign up, show up, and get the tools you need to launch strong simply by registering. Attending this event is a required first step in our process* before moving onto the ARC Launch assessment, being connected to a coach, and receiving the ARC resources and funding we provide to church planters.
The registration cost of $599 covers two guests; you and your spouse or you and a guest. If you have any questions, you can reach out to [email protected].
While this event is geared toward potential church planters, current church pastors and campus pastors are welcome to attend and learn with us.
*Attending the ARC Launch training event does not guarantee that you will be approved to launch a church with ARC. All church planters go through an application and assessment process to determine if they are ready to launch with ARC.